HOME FRONT: Islamo-Marxist terror during World War III
The millions of young Muslim men inside the West are an army waiting for orders
One of the many useless things I learned during my undergraduate degree 25 years ago was that water is racist.
I was surprised, too. I thought I’d signed up for a poetry subject as part of my English Literature major. Nuh-uh. I’d signed up for six months of weekly preaching about how racist and bigoted people like me are.
The poetry subject I’d chosen was actually a unit about postcolonial poetry. The focus of the subject was on how we whites oppress blacks and natives (my terms, not theirs) looked at through the lens of rather bad poetry by blacks and natives.
In the week in question, the poem we were studying was a turgid piece of blank verse by a Caribbean lesbian (I think she lived in New York, actually) lamenting how local people in the Caribbean islands lack fresh water but rich white pigs like us (again, my terms) jet down from places like New York to sit by the water at a resort and say how beautiful it is.
At least, I think that was the gist. I’d never been on a aeroplane back then and I’d never seen a tropical resort.
Postcolonialism is one of the many ideological daughters of cultural Marxism preached in Western universities over the last 50 years. Others include third-wave feminism, queer theory and gender studies.
Postcolonialism is fundamentally anti-white. It is the branch of cultural Marxism in the West that focuses on race relations between us white imperialists and the brown masses we apparently exploit and oppress.
It’s easy to laugh at these absurdly simplistic ideological narratives. Wealthy white conservatives have been laughing about and underestimating them for decades. But these toxic diseases of the collective mind are nothing to laugh about.
Postcolonial ideas were the basis of Ho Chi Minh’s brand of communist ideology. While living in France from 1919 he was exposed to postcolonial thinking, and later fused this line of thought with the Marxist agitprop training he received in China and the Soviet Union during the 20s and 30s to ultimately lead Vietnam in its war against America and its allies.
Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and a litany of other villains of the 20th and 21st centuries were all influenced by postcolonial ideology. These men led movements that killed millions, including many Aussie diggers.
Since the 1990s, however, the bastion of postcolonial thinking has become the Muslim world. Our anti-white, anti-Christian professors relished the opportunity to inform young students from the Muslim world that they were the victims of toxic white imperialism. These same professors then linked this critique back to right-wing politics in Israel.
Campus rags such as Green Left Weekly started to focus heavily on Palestine after the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It’s been an obsession ever since.
The fusion of neo-Marxist, postcolonial ideology with Islamic theology and even Islamic ideas about the end times was fully evident even 20 years ago in manifestos published by al-Qaeda. It’s all throughout Osama bin Laden’s Letter to America, published shortly after the 9/11 attacks.
This letter became headlines again just this week when angry menopausal Karen rag The Guardian, which had hosted the bin Laden letter for 20 years, suddenly pulled it down when it went viral on TikTok and many Gen Zers expressed sympathy for what bin Laden had been saying.
That’s not kosher.
Ben Shapiro has been hammering it home hard that the West will face an existential threat from Islamic terrorism as the war between Hamas and Israel becomes first regional then global.
World War III is going to be less victory gardens and ration cards and more shopping centre explosions and lockdowns this time round.
Yes they are, Ben. Indeed they are.
Who let them in?
For Ben, this war is religious. For non-Jews, it’s a bit more complicated. Is Hamas motivated by blind anti-Semitism? Or are they reacting to Israeli actions against the Palestinians? Where you sit on those questions will be determined by what narratives you have chosen to focus on.
Perhaps Ben is now feeling what we whites have been feeling for a long time: That there’s an animosity against us which is leading to a quest to drive us from the face of the Earth.
Welcome to the club, Ben. Hopefully your billionaire backers will have more success pushing back against campus anti-Jewishness than we have had against campus anti-whiteness.
It seems they might.
Les Wexner is the guy who bankrolled Jeffery Epstein, by the way. But we shouldn’t notice that.
Based black conservative commentator Candace Owens has been pointing out the double standard of people like Ben when it comes to racial hatred, and Ben has not been happy about it. He publicly called her position “disgraceful”.
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Then it got ugly.
Well that’s awkward.
It’s becoming clear that the standard Jewish double-talk on attitudes toward whites is going to have to change. Israel is on the brink of an existential war with the Muslim world. And so, therefore, are we due to our alliances.
Continuing to antagonise whites by funding Soros-style cultural Marxist ideologies on campuses and anarcho-communist paramilitary movements in Western cities is not going to be strategic for the Jewish community going forward.
For us debt slaves on the global usury plantation, the coming years are going to be almost as turbulent as they will be for Ben. The Islamic enclaves now endemic in Western cities are going to become hotbeds of terrorist violence once the war between the West and the Umma goes hot. The buildup of US forces in the Middle East and the rhetoric coming out of politicians indicate that this is not far off.
We’re getting so close now, the US military has even gone back to using white guys in their recruitment ads.
Stay home, lads.
Prep for further massive increases in the cost of living, fuel and food rationing, grid failures and potential financial panics. It’s all pointing in that direction.
If you believe, get right with your Creator. Either way, plug into your community as much as you can. People with antifragile community networks outside of urban areas will be most likely to come through what’s ahead intact.
Once the dust settles we can sort out who got us into this mess. In the meantime, maybe stay away from shopping centres.
Nicely written, educational, over here it's also building up, antisemitism